Build a Winning Direction for Digital & Traditional Media
- Creative Writing & Consulting
- Nonprofit Grant Writing & Reporting
- Copy Writing & Editing
- Website Design
- Content Marketing Strategy
- Books
- Reports & Presentations
We all have a story to tell.
Let’s tell it well.

From the President
Welcome, friend:
I’m here to help you find your voice. The forms your voice can take have grown more numerous and varied in this digital age. You must not only express yourself clearly, but also engage your audience directly through language and context. Perhaps you’ve been tasked with drafting the next quarter’s blog content for your company website. The future may ride on your next big grant proposal. Or maybe you’re trying to finally get that book published.
Struggling with where to begin? Need a push across the finish line? Can’t organize your thoughts in between?
You’re not alone. So many of us struggle with finding the structure and, more importantly, the focus to convey a message clearly and effectively. Routine elements like grammar and punctuation can confound even the best communicators. I hope this website serves as a resource to help you build and refine your message, no matter your purpose or media.
I’ll leave you with some of the greatest advice I’ve ever received: “Even the best writers in the world need a great editor.” There’s no shame in asking for help. Contact me here for a free consultation.
We all have a story to tell. Let’s tell it well.
Kelsey Boudin
President and Founder
Southern Tier Communications Strategies